19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
- Matthew 28:19-20
The Church of the Nazarene in an international, missional church whose goal is to spread the Word of God to all corners of the earth. Not everyone is able to go full-time to do missionary work. The rest of us have an opportunity to go on short mission trips, provide emotional and financial support for missionaries, and educate ourselves on their needs so that we can lift them in prayer. Additionally, we can serve as missionaries locally, such as serving the homeless, serving our communities, serving shut-ins, and a myriad of other activities as the Holy Spirit leads.
Local Missions
We aim to have Missional Gatherings every months where we learn about different mission fields and activities. We meet at 5pm in the Fellowship Hall, and every meeting will feature a free meal common in that country!
Additionally, we try to have a missionaries from foreign fields come and speak with us about their ministry throughout the year.
Missional Gathering Dates
May 21 - Missionary Rod Reed
August 13 - Ketchums
September 24 - Missionaries Bruce and Cindy McKellips
Prayer for Russia
Dear partners in ministry, greetings.
We are requesting urgent prayer for our Church family in Russia. Today we learnt that several of our Nazarene youth has been required to registered as part of the Russian Army mobilization to fight in Ukraine. Our Church leaders in Russia are trying to protect our young people and have hired lawyers to submit papers providing reasons because our kids should not be included in this mobilization. The lawyers are trying to help but they are not sure the Russian government will accept the reasons the church is submitting. Please pray for our Russian Nazarenes as they are trying to navigate this difficult situation. Pray for the Russian youth that are trapped in this conflict. Pray for the parents of these young people. Please keep prayer also for Ukraine.